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What you need to know.
Our complaints process is designed to be accessible and all complaints are treated seriously. If you would like to submit a complaint, please see the below options.
We take all complaints seriously and aim to handle them fairly, objectively and efficiently. We use an Internal Dispute Resolution process to objectively investigate and resolve all complaints.
For information on our Complaints Handling process, which includes how to make a complaint, please see the information below.

What type of complaint can I make?

EC Credit Control’s Complaints Handling process covers all operational aspects for EC Credit Control in Australia.

How do I make a complaint?

You can lodge a complaint with EC Credit Control through any of the following channels:
Phone:1300 361 070
Post:PO Box 248 Botany NSW 2019


What information do I need to provide in order to make a complaint?

In order to investigate your complaint effectively we may need the following information:
  • Proof of identity.
  • Your contact details.
  • Sufficient detail and relevant documents that may support the complaint and its resolution.


How long will it take to resolve a complaint?

  • The length of time we take to resolve your complaint will depend on the nature and complexity of the issues you have raised, and the extent of the enquiries we need to make to address those issues.
  • Here are the targets we set ourselves to try and resolve your complaint:
  • Where possible we will attempt to resolve matters at first point of contact.
  • We aim to acknowledge all complaints received within two working days of receipt.
  • We will try to respond to the majority of all complaints within 10 working days of receipt.
  • For complaints that require in-depth investigation or additional information, we attempt to respond within 30 working days of receipt.
  • Where it has not been possible to complete the complaints review process within 30 working days, we will notify you of the reasons for the delay and provide an updated target date for resolution.
  • Acknowledgement and all correspondence will be carried out either by email or telephone.